A solar LED light, also known as solar light or solar lantern, is a lighting system composed of an LED lamp, solar panels, battery, charge controller and there can also be an inverter. The lamp works with electricity from batteries, it is charged by using a solar panel (photovoltaic solar panel) which converts sunlight into electrical energy.
The solar energy can be well utilized for lighting purpose. Solar powered LED based stand alone outdoor lighting system is ideal to illuminate the surroundings of the buildings, hospitals, open platforms etc, for security and safety .It is also ideal for lighting area in remote locations where the electricity is unavailable or erratic.
By using LED solar lighting, you save 100% on energy costs, which is great for you and the environment. Compared to conventional lighting solar LED lights are the perfect way to provide off-grid lighting now and in the future
Affordable to use and easy to install, Kolmena Group’s range of solar LED Lights is ideal for regional and rural communities as well as metropolitan communities looking to take a more environmentally friendly route. Our range of solar lighting includes outdoor garden lights, outdoor wall lights and solar street lights.